This programme is designed to provide those with
responsibilities for developing workplace
competencies with the skills needed to develop
individual performance in others. Its focus is on the
development of coaching capability in the
workplace and it is not designed as a professional
training in coaching practice.
It is designed to create an understanding of the
organisation and workplace context within which
performance and individual career development
takes place and it will provide the skills, knowledge
and tools required to carry out effective coaching in
the workplace.
The programme provides learners with knowledge,
skills and competence relating to concepts and
theories associated with coaching models of
practice, thereby enabling them to identify, select
and apply effective coaching models in
circumstances designed to enhance awareness and thereby progress client objectives.
The Coaching programme will be
delivered across five (5) workshop modules as
Module 1 – Understanding & Using the Coaching
Module 2 – Questioning & Listening
Module 3 – Building a Coaching Relationship
Module 4 – Building Personal Effectiveness as a
Module 5 – Managing a Coaching Programme
Participants who successfully complete this
programme will:
Understand the distinctive nature of coaching as
an intervention designed to enhance workplace
competencies and career advancement
Learn how to use a range of coaching models
Understand the organisational context of
Have learned how to set goals for individual
Be in a position to build powerful coaching
Understand the non-critical, non-judgemental,
and confidential nature of the coaching
Have acquired the skills of rapport building
building, active listening, systematic
questioning, feedback and empathy
Have acquired an understanding of how
personality and indivdiual learning styles
impact on the workplace learning environment
Have developed personal effectiveness as a
Be able to manage a coaching programme and evaluate the effectiveness of coaching as a development tool
Bookings are closed for this event.