
10:00 am - 4:30 pm


Bookings closed


Hilliard House
High Street, Killarney

This interactive study day provides participants with practical tools and
techniques to conduct safe and effective telephone triage. The programme is
flexible and can be adapted to workplace requirements.
Outcomes/objectives- You will:


Explore the advantages and risks of telephone triage.
Demonstrate the general principles and core skills needed in managing a triage call in a safe and comprehensive manner.
Discuss what the essential components and minimum standard of a telephone triage protocol should contain.
Explore documentation and legal issues.
Work through triage situations via case scenarios/role play to consolidate learning.
Discuss support systems required for telephone triage in individual areas.


Why telephone triage, pros and cons
Managing a triage call, including
– Establishing a helpful relationship and active listening.
– Different questioning techniques
– Structuring the call
– Dos and don’ts
Legal implications, including documentation.
Overview of common triage calls- covering main body systems : a Problem based approach
Case scenario practice covering minor and major ailments and long term health conditions as required by participant’s area of practice.
Support systems; principles of writing protocols, audit and a discussion of what is needed in individual areas.


Trainer: Practitioner Development UK Ltd.


Bookings are closed for this event.

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