
22/02/2023 - 24/05/2023    
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm


Bookings closed

Event Type

Do you long to do something with more meaning?

Is there a part of you deep inside searching for more in this life?

Perhaps you want to have a positive impact, you want to give back, and you want what you do to be sustainable – but you don’t know the first step and perhaps don’t have clarity yet on the bigger picture?

Or maybe you feel called to do something that really matters, but you’re afraid and don’t know the first step to take.

So you keep doing what you’ve always done – but you’re ready for the real thing?!

Join me on my Legacy program

Create a life of meaning and fulfillment.

Make a difference with your life.

Step out with courage allowing your dream to take seed.

This is The Bridge from where you are now, to where you want to be (even if you’re not clear on where that is yet).
Join The Legacy Program

Why Is This Needed?

Based on Niamh’s unique methodology, The Core Connection Code – Connect, Clear, Create – this program will focus on both the Inner and the Outer Game so that you do the work necessary to launch your own legacy project.

Whether that’s something in your current job or skillset, or in your community, or something world changing, you will be supported to connect in to the essence of who you are; draw-out what wants to emerge into the world through you, and gain clarity on taking action. The world needs us as women to step into our power and lead from love again.

Are you ready to create your legacy?

Program Outline

Month 1 –

Connecting to who you are & what you love, the Essence of you, in order to lay the groundwork for stepping into your legacy creation

Connect more closely to Self & Others
Clarify your Purpose statement
Identify your Strengths and what you have to offer
Get your Values and Priorities in Alignment to experience your own power
Focus on Health, Wellbeing and Self-Care so you’re operating at your best
Uncover Limiting Beliefs & Introduction to Reclamation work

Month 2 – Clear

Reclaim the parts of you that you’ve suppressed and become authentically whole again, using Peter Koenig’s powerful Reclamation process; this month is all about:


This month’s sessions will be co-facilitated by Alexander Inchbald who has worked alongside Peter Koenig and has helped 1000’s of people to reclaim their potential.

Month 3 – Create

The Outer Game – Creating your Legacy. Using a proven framework devised by Alexander Inchbald, you will be supported to:

Uncover your Mission (your Why)
Decide on your Legacy (what you’ll create)
Outline Your Promise (get clear on your big picture)
Set up your 100 Day Plan (what are you actually going to do to make your legacy happen)

What does the program look like?

Live online sessions, weekly for 2 hours – for 3 months in total.

Dates: Every Wednesday 4-6pm GMT beginning 22 Feb 2023 with a week off for Easter 12/4/23, ending approx 24 May 2023
Small Group Size_Group Size

Small Group Sizes – there will be a minimum of 5 in the group to ensure accountability and a maximum of 8-10 participants to foster trust and community.

Be part of a growing community of like-minded people

Do transformative work in a safe environment
Have accountability so you take action
Feel the shifts happening!

Become MORE you than you’ve ever been

24hr access to learning platform for all content and session recordings (only accessible to group members)

Optional 1 hour one to one high impact session with Niamh

The full cost is €3,500, with a special introductory offer of €2,999
South West Gnó Skillnet can offer 30% funding to our members, so for those availing of the introductory offer this would reduce the cost to €2099.

Training Provider: Niamh Hannan


Bookings are closed for this event.

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